Hot Weather Deal #2 (2022) You will receive 20 in 2 ½ inch pot, 3 ¼ inch pot and 4 inch pots for $176.00. These will be a mix of Den, Cattleya, Oncidiums, Epidendrum and others. Some will be in spike or buds. Standard Shipping Charges.
Madison's Maxillaria tenuifolia 'Yamada' AM/AOS (yellow form) Special: These usually bloom from April to June. Get a plant for $30.00. Standard shipping rates apply.
Prosthechea radiata or Encyclia radiata Get a plant in 3 ¼ inch pot for $18.00. Blooming Size plant-no buds. Vanilla scented flowers that usually bloom during the summer months. Standard shipping rates apply.
Monn. Millennium Magic ‘Witchcraft’ March Specials: Witchcraft - Blooming Size: Get a plant in blooming size (no spike) for $40.00. Standard shipping rates apply.